"...and that's basically the fantastical aspect of romance which never comes true for men."
It doesn't come true for transactional thinkers, men or women.
It DOES absolutely come true for people who think like cultivators. Because cultivators know and u derstand that you have to tend to those bonds of affection, love, or they will become brittle then whither and die.
Romance is so much more than big grand gestures on capitalist approved performance days. It's more than wild declarations of love and showing off. It's more than cards and flowers on Valentine's day.
The most important acts of romance live in small spaces where tenderness and care are needed.
And this is what so many men miss because they don't understand love bonds because they never valued the traits that get you there.
In fact, those capitalist approved romance performances work to wear men out so much because of that lack of understanding. If men bothered to understand love bonds better in the first place, they wouldn't be wearing themselves out because they wouldn't have fallen for the status and ego traps of performative romance in the first place. Ditto for women who have been propagandized into believing a proposal on a jumbotron is real love.
It's not. It's performance for status and validation.