And speaking of self awareness. ...
Just waiting on you to grasp that she only listed one criteria: a guy who doesn't lie.
If you're bald, polish up that billiard ball noggin and gleam with pride.
If you're 5'10, say you're 5'10" with pride and point out the logistical helpfulness of being near the same height for the sexually playful and frisky.
If you're a failed businessman or just using the word 'entrepreneur' to obfuscate the fact that you're adrift at the moment, have the cajones to say so. Roll up to that date and say, "I started my own business and it was one of the majority that fail. But I learned so much and I'm glad I tried because even though it failed, I failed, I really pushed myself and I'm glad I won't be 70 and regret having never even tried."
Show up to that date and say, "truth is, I don't know what I want to do going forward right now. I'm so lucky my parents gave me a soft space to land because I need a minute to figure it out. I'm trying to reprioritize and get back on track."
Just don't lie and play games trying to score.