And no man has ever experienced sexual frustration as a woman.
That said, I'm not going off my own experience or the experience of women. I take that from men who have chosen celibacy, or been through periods of sexual frustration (which is not always celibacy, voluntary or not) and come out the other side.
I do hear, though, that it works much the same as far as dealing with the frustration.
As for what I think about sexual frustration?
I think it's not a goddamned competition. I think almost everyone experiences periods of sexual frustration at some point in their lives and it is not the end of the world. I think it burns and prickles, and irritates when you're in the thick of it. I think the emotions that come with it are just God awful. I think it's so rough, that when you come out of it by finding a partner you're almost guaranteed to fuck things up because you over compensate. I think you can lose yourself in a spiral pretty easily. I thinknits generally better when it fades on it's own.
I think distracting yourself works well. Having a pet to cuddle with helps. Constantly reminding yourself that you're not owed, that's not how the world works helps. Vigorous exercise helps.
I think the biggest difference between men and women in regards to sexual frustration is that with men it's almost always about never getting enough. With women, it's about saving your libido from being killed dead by your lacklustre sexual partner, or even just the constant pressure to be sexy and provide sex. Even humpback whales have a reprieve from sexual pressure, and bull whales are known to be very aggressive and relentless. But human females don't ever get a reprieve, even after death. That creates a unique kind of sexual frustration only known to female hominids, because some dude is always looking to be serviced. And that's all it is to them.
I think that's what Simon's article plays in to. Ultimately, it's a slap in the face to women because his 'solution' dehumanizes both men and women.
We women are not endless slot machines and you men need more from sex than a point spread. You need to get back to respecting your sexual selves. I'm not seeing much of that these days. I see a whole lot of men disrespecting their sexual selves and that disrespect landing on and being flung upon women.
Basically, I think his whole stance is bullshit from a bullshit apologist for male violence.