And here's where I have to call you out. For someone who is, for the most part, well within the average curve of love milestones you've got an unfounded chip on your shoulder about women. Find a new schtick.
Here's some averages for you. These are average ages for love milestones for men.
1st time having sex -17
1st girlfriend - 13 1/2. Serious girlfriend -15 to 18. Twenty percent of the population does not have this milestone until 19 to 21.
1st kiss -15
1st partner - 28
Marriage - 29
Men have on average 10 sexual psrtners in their LIFETIME and 6 relationships in their lifetime.
Average length of 1st serious relationship - 2 or more years.
Men enter a phase of high commitment at avg age of 28 to 33. This aligns with the avg age they start to take relationships seriously - early to mid 30s.
You are well within average. You're not being cheated because you're short. Women haven't locked the gate on you. Calm down.
The only metric that you skew off of is possibly the avg length of 1st relationship, but most couples split up around the 7 month mark so that would be the mean (ones that go the distance as a marriage affect the overall average).
You have zero reason to be so bitter against women because you're allowing a very small proportion to live rent free in your head.
Worry about yourself instead of what a few women on dating apps do.