And as I said, it will keep you from starving to death for sure, especially in the short term but that doesn't exempt you from action. If you don't clean up your diet, you will STILL die, just not as quickly and from a disease of malnutrition rather than starvation.
You're still dead though.
And this is what men to turn to porn are finding out the hard way. They're still lonely, they have even more difficulties connecting, their despair increases.
It's at best a bandaid, not a solution. It's not a very good bandaid either.
Like I said, I recall Katz being very clear on this, but I admit it's been a while since I read him.
I agree with him about the porn industry, more or less. As I recall, the problem was with the organization of the industry and legalities attached to it being exploitative.
They are.
That cannot be argued in any kind of good faith. One only has to take a look at it. Much of this is a function of sexual shame, where there is a double standard between the sexes. End that, and you can have things like porn and prostitution more balanced and a healthy alternstive. But you can't as long as there are societal punishments for sexuality across the board.
I'm actually for legalizing prostitution long term, btw. But no way in hell would I vote for it now. We're not where we need to be as a society, and especially in my country, to have it be legal without a lot of very predictable consequences falling on the same folks who ALWAYS get offered up as sacrifice to appease straight white men.
You can get your feathers ruffled about that all you want, it's true and you know it. If you don't like it, start proactively mitigating fallout BEFORE requiring someone else to disproportionately absorb societal detriments to your desires as men, for once. (royal you).