3 min read6 days ago



If I kill a homeless man but save another from being hit by a bus I can still be charged with murder and be sent to prison for 25 to life. Do you understand why that is?

It's because the lives of human beings are tokens to be balanced to be balanced on a spreadsheet. One action does not negate the other.

You got mentioned here because that argument was absurd and a knee-jerk reaction to fear of being censored.

The further commentary might have alleviated some of your knee jerk fear, but your argument that it's "not real" is still absurd.

We don't do bar napkin math with human lives. That's not ever acceptable.

Blame here is irrelevant. The author is talking about attitudes that people have of which you comment is representative. It's not about you personally so much.

Then you spiral to "why don't you work with us (men) instead of against us (men)?"

I have a question for you. Actually, I have two.

How are you supposed to 'work with men' when men have no qualms with genociding entire populations provided that another population is saved? You do realize that "male superiority" was born out of just such thinking, right? All the way back into prehistory. How can we work with men when men naturally believe they have the right to decide who lives and who dies and historically, we women have been on the genocided and oppressed populations? Why would we ever be able to trust you enough to work with you? Where have you (specifically) earned that trust. Do you think your argument that it's okay to genocide one population so long as it saves another earns you that level of trust and good will? You might want to think about that some and stop doubling down on absurd arguments.

Secondly, despite the clear fact that it's against our best interests, the majority of women still want to love men, include men, have men in their lives, etc. In other words, despite all the pain, disappointment, harm, and agony men have brought to women's lives, women ARE, in fact, still working with men. None of you are being drowned at birth for being the wrong sex yet. By and large women are still dating. Parental resources are still equitable or mildly in favor of boys and mom handles all of that. So, the notion that you're not being worked with is equally absurd. You men have been worked with for literal millenia; given every grace in the world. My question to you is how long would you men wait and slowly work toward change toward better treatment if wives and girlfriends were murdering their husbands at the same rates? If moms were sexually harassing the friends of their teenage sons at the same rates? If were being drugged and then raped at the same levels? What if women harassed you on the street? Chased you just to taze your balls on the dance floor? What if you were constantly looking over your shoulder to deflect how some random woman is going to attack you. What of you couldn't believe them at face value because by and large, they think it's acceptable to manipulate and course you?

How long would you attempt to work with women if the situation were reversed? Can we get a time frame? 100 years? A thousand? 5 thousand? 10 thousand?

Becauae that's how long we've been working with men.

When can we expect men to stsrt seeing us as human beings deserving of dignity too?

Abusing AI girlfriends, real or not, does not give women dignity. Bragging about it and creating public spectacles out of doing it not only doesn't give women basic human dignity, it's stochastic terrorism. It adds to the burden all women are already under of having to look over our shoulders every minute of every day to, hopefully, deflect incoming harm acted upon us by men for simply existing.

No one's really figured out yet how to woek with terrorists. By definition, they are irrational and unhinged and thry latch on to any dumb and inane thing to justify their brutality. You Can't woek with terrorists; you can only survive them.

If you think that makes you evil, then maybe stop engaging in acts of cold violence against women. Maybe stop excusing it. Maybe think about what you're doing once in a while. Maybe before making an argument, consider what you're really saying with that argument.



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