Aileen Wuoros was a sociopath, same as Jeffrey Dahmer was a psychopath. Both of them experienced trauma in childhood as a result of Patriarchal beliefs that most likely contributed to their mental defect. The current thinking is that multuple factors come into play to create a sociopath or a psychopath. Environmental factors, i.e. abuse, is one of them but it's more than that.
Regardless, that does not excuse her actions, any more than it does Dahmer's. We can have compassion for that abuse they BOTH suffered while not condoning their actions. In fact, an advanced society demands it as understanding how sociopaths and psychopaths are created in the first place is the key to reducing her number and the effect they have on society at large.
The vast majority of women understand this, especially given were the usual targets.
I'm unfamiliar with the other woman you mentioned, Karla Holmoka, or her crimes, so I won't speak on her.
What wrongs have women done that we have not been punished for more than enough already, or are not taking accountability for? To what are you referring?
Lastly we've been through this multiple times already. You're not being blamed as an individual for what has historically or currently happened to women. You're being asked to help change the social contract, collectively, along with EVERYONE ELSE, so that it doesn't continue happening and it won't happen to you again either.
You might want to consider that. If these fascists get control and subjugate us again, you'll be next. You're a disabled man. It was predominantly women who lobbied and worked to elevate the social status of the disabled. If we go down, do you think thise bros you're so fond of reading and repeating are gonna protect you? Hmm?
Good luck with that.