Ahmad Arbery’s death was a lynching. There are still sundown towns.
Domestic violence deaths are “honor" killings for failure to submit to male rule. We don’t call them that I’m nonmuslim cultures because there is no sanctioning of the act by religious authority. De facto, they are much the same.
They acts and the psychology behind them have not ended, even if the language and dynamics change somewhat over time.
If you can’t follow the terms of use you agreed to when you opened your Facebook account, you don’t deserve to keep it. No one is being imprisoned for being an ass on facebook. If people can’t take some online criticism then they shouldn’t go around deliberately being provocative in malicious ways.
No one is normalizing pedophiles. It’s a criminal act. Help groups for it are another matter and doesn’t count because you don’t get help for things you consider to be healthy and normal. So the issue of normalizing is moot.
Ending legal marginalization and discrimination is not elevating small groups to primacy above everyone else. It’s taking the minor groups out from under the boot of the state about things the state should keep their noses out of.
It’s nothing to do with offense.