Apr 15, 2023


Agree. Strangely, a fair bumber of these white women are also being abused, they just don't know it because it's less likely to be physical.

It's also just a lot more hidden, because of the shsme attached and that belief that it ONLY happens in poverty stricken areas. They'll mentally make a false connecrion that if they're being abused, they're in those poverty conditions, therefore they're not "good" people, and thetefore the abuse is their fault.

All that toes I to the mental number classism, "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", and prosperity gospel does to people.

One of the most profoumd realizations one can make seeking connectedness, equality, or levelling the playing field, is that the "shiny" people aren't so shiny. They live the same kind of dysfunctional lives, but behind a veneer of shiny.



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