1 min readJan 26, 2023


Agree. One would be a blithering idiot to work a job that will not afford them a living.

We are not SpongeBob SquarePants. We're not offering to pay Mr. Krabbs to "let" us work. Especially dirty, grubby, thankless jobs where people scream at us all day.

Pay people what they're worth, or use the government to get these greedy corporations in check. That's what the govt is for. Supposed to be anyway.

I know you're British, but it's even in our (American) Constitution. Establish Justice, INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, Provide for the common defense, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

I know you and most other Constitutional nations have something like, though I don't know the exact phrasing.

But yeah. It's their damn job to look after the interests and greatest well being of the people.

Not corporations.

Sorry if you're feeling blasted. I have big feels on this one.



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