Jan 15, 2023



On the "you can lead a horse to water...", Intuitively I don't like it either. I don't particularly enjoy having all the thoughts I have. But the bald.faxt of the matter is, ever since Trump, I and many other women have been struggling with feelings of hopelessness.

Personally, I wonder if that's why there's not been such a large scale abandonment of men and dating. Too many women no longer see any hope or point in giving men a chance at all. There's just been too much bullshit the last few years to not consider whether or not it's not worth the drama, neglect, isolation, or hurt too many bring into our lives.

But I don't know if many women who are gleeful at men's expense that were here, regardless of how much clapback toward bullying Influencer and loud and proud misogynist types there is.



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