Again, he exposed himself to the world’s caprice. He asked the question. It’s not about "deserving" it. He literally asked for it.
She didn’t. That’s why I said she may literally be the only innocent person in this mess.
And you dodged. What did this woman do to earn such vicious contempt from you?
I can understand you wanting people to cut the guy some slack and not grab for their most base impulses first. I understand that. He was foolish, but lots of people are fools. Hell, sooner or later everyone is foolish.
But you went after her. Specifically her. You did the same thing to her you felt like others were doing to him. You kicked it up a notch.
Is this your idea of justice and fairness?
Do you think Husband would think so, even if he was the one asking if he was the asshole and kicking off this whole thing? Did you think he wanted his wife’s character maligned by internet randos? We’re you happy to oblige?