Adopting a nostalgic but false narrative of the past doesn't do anyone any favors either.
Misrepresenting the fantasy in erotic literature doesn't do anyone any good either.
Think about all those books, how they end. The fantasy is not that the men are dominating. It's that they give up those dominating and controlling ways for her love and step up to embracing vulnerability and partnership. They're all a "taming of the shrew" in reverse. In every single one of them the guy comes to value the girl as a person rather than an object to fuck.
Don't blame feminism for men's choice to pursue sex at all costs using any strategy that can be devised. That's on them and them alone. In the 1950s, you didn't have men expexti g to be serviced after buying a coffee. They were NOT the transactional thinkers they are today, thanks to PUA and male movements like that.
Of course, women are pushing back being treated like prostitutes at the grocery store, for walking in public, and tajing your kids or dogs to a public park. Of course. And that's solely on meb for being such fucking dumb asses to believe Influencers in the first place.
Lastly, my grandfather's were both men and husbands of the 50s, with children. They were both decent, loving men. Neither one of them chased my grandmothers. I'll remind you that post WWII, there were many more young women than young men. If you wanted a husband, you didn't sit on your laurels or you got left behind. You pursued them through all the standard means, particularly before all the good ones were snatched up. Sex ratio of the population determines who "chases" whom more than you nostalgic narrative rewriters want to admit. Always has. Always will.
One of my grandmothers became a daily customer at the gas station my grandfather started with his brother and did all the things to get noticed and build attraction. My other grandmother befriended my grandfather's mother through a church social and started making visits to the farm to 'check on her'. Great grandma helped things along by pretending to be feeling bad and saying lots of nice things about grandma around the dinner table. So who's chasing whom?
Now, you've got many more men looking to marry than women interested in being married to them. Big reason is that for many of these men that marriage they want ends in the woman being their fuckmaid. This is a net detriment to the life of the woman.
Most of the women want a partnership that mutually reciprocal. But men don't want this, by and large. So, instead of continuing to beat their heads against the wall, or choosing to settle for lack lustre men, they're opting out of marriage altogether.
People don't choose things that are clearly harmful to them if they have a better choice or more options.
Lastly, the behavior of both my grandmothers around being granted their own money and banking access in their own name in the 70s, suggests that their marriages weren't the blissful affairs you're suggesting, regardless of how decent my grandfathers were. What they were was resolved because they didn't have many other great options.
Maybe if they had like we today so, they wouldn't have pursued a husband.
Maybe what we're seeing is a return to what is natural. That more women don't actually want to be yoked to a man than what religion would have us believe.
There was a reason the dynamic had to be forced by law, after all.