Actually a lot of them have been all upon social media saying the family should see this pregnancy as an “opportunity".
It’s sick and shows how obscene and depraved these people are.
Opportunity for what exactly? It’s not like conservatives and the “moral" right are going to use these instances to root out pedophiles and ephebophiles to protect children. No no no. Then it’ll be “Judge not, lest ye be judged", and “I’ve made a mistake but repented before the Lord and God forgives me".
Awesome. Is God going to pay child support? Is God going to keep you from doing it again? Is God going to care for that baby if it’s child mother died giving birth to it?
God is an easy place to go and get instant forgiveness. Frankly, I find it to be empty and meaningless since it’s us, mostly women, who constantly have to clean up the mess of men’s “mistakes".
I read she was being raped by both her father and her grandfather. Haven’t seen yet which one fathered the baby. I doubt that will ever be known.
I guess that opportunity was for providing another child to molest. They’ve learned their lesson though. They’ll start younger so the kid doesn’t get pregnant. Or maybe learn to like little boys instead. Praise Jesus.