A lot of shooters didn’t obtain them illegally, like the Uvalde shooter. Raise the legal age of purchase and there’s at least one shooting that didn’t happen.
Requiring licensing, like we do for cars, means people have to pass a test to be able to purchase one. It also means people who don’t secure theirs will be held at least partially responsible for what people do with their guns, much like how if you let an unlicensed driver borrow your car and they run people down you can be sued.
Requiring they be stored means your kids can’t gain access easily. That would have eliminated a few mass shootings.
You’re not making a good faith argument. You’re just spouting off the same sociopathic and deranged bullshit as every other conservative. We see you dude. We see exactly who you are.
Regulations work. They’ve always worked. They’ll work here too.
Those 20 kids being able to go home to their Mamas and their Daddies that day is worth a little inconvenience and paperwork from you and me.
You aren’t allowed an AR-15 as a civilian? Boo fucking hoo. You don’t need one to hunt deer. I should know.
Gotta wait a few days for a background check? Boo fucking hoo. Shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t have anything to worry about. We already do that for jobs.
Gotta get a license to prove proficiency in the weapon you want to buy? Boo fucking hoo. You have to get licensing for a lot of things already, driving, certain jobs, fishing (for fuck’s sake). Nothing new and scary here.
Can’t be seen with one outside training facilities before your 21st birthday and can’t buy your own till then? Boo fucking hoo.
Have to sign a national registry? Boo fucking hoo. Again, I bring up cars and add to that alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes.
Barred from purchase after DV or questionable conduct online? Boo fucking hoo. Get some therapy and learn to control yourself, then we can talk. Until then, no one who can’t control themselves should be given a deadly weapon. This isn’t oppression or infringement of rights, it’s common sense.
Cry me a god damned river.
87% of us need a change of scenery from the never ending river of tears constantly being shed by survivors and families of innocent people going about their lives and being mown down because of the callousness and evil of people like you. How many more have to die before y’all figure out you should probably get your heads out of your asses?
We see you boo. We see you.