A fair number of men who frequent the feminist tag to troll feminists have convinced themselves that HR and I are thr dame person with two accounts. Just thought you should know.
I didn't really critique your article either. Didn't have the time and if someonendid, they deserve to be paid to do so because....damn. That will be work.
I understood the gist of what you were going for because it's nothing knew. It's the same old bullshit that brings us alpha males, netas and simps, pop culture stoicism tropes, man as hunter myth, divine femininity, TradWives, resting in your femininity--whatever thr he'll that's supposed to be, etc.
It wasn't because you said anything g new or exciting or were telli g anything g relational about it. What you served up was a spaghetti plate of mangled ideological nonsense with a side of rhetoric salad and endless snack cakes of weird assumptions.
Gender essentialism ALWAYS falls apart under scrutiny. ALWAYS.
I was also able to easily ascertain why you wrote it. You're looking to make money off misogyny. You made that double clear in your comments. You don't care about the men you're supposedly advocating for any .ore than Andrew Tate or Nordan Peterson or Pearly Things do.
You're just the next wannabe in a long line of wannabes.
You should know that the vast majority of feminists who bother engaging on Medium are educated, versed, and will pull no punches.
You should also educate yourself. There's a feminist writer on here, goes by thr handle @ElleBeau who is extremely knowledgeable about gender dynamics and has a lengthy catalog about it from a sociological and anthropological perspective.
HR doesn't write much, she's mostly a reader in a thumbs up/thumbs down sense.
And I've seen her around plenty. When she bothers to write mote lengthy replies, she makes good points. She is not kind about it. But then, she doesn't owe you or anyone else kindness. And it doesn't mean she's wrong.